Monday, June 9, 2014

Whole30 Halfway Finished!

Woo Hoo!  I am halfway finished with my first Whole30, and it continues to go quite well.  I have no idea if I have lost any weight, because stepping on the scale is absolutely forbidden, which is a total first before, since I have never gone this long without checking my weight.  Another reason I can't seem to follow a healthy eating plan for very long.


I screamed that to myself in my head, because it is hard to fathom that I would go without DCs for this long.  I no longer crave them and that is something special, because during the first week, I craved them constantly.

What have I learned during the first half of this experiment? 

1.  Water tastes good, and makes my skin look much better.
2.  My skin is clearer than it has been in a long time since I have eliminated wheat and sugar.
3.  I don't crave dairy as much as I thought I would, and this is coming from a girl who has to have cheese on everything.
4.  I no longer feel sluggish at 3:00 in the afternoon.
5.  I can go much longer between meals without eating and hardly ever snack.
6.  Larabars are great in a pinch, but real food is better.
7.  It is possible to eat out every meal for two days and make healthy choices.  Taziki is my new love because they prepared me the most delicious Whole30 approved meal ever.
8.  Infused water is my new best friend.
9.  The next 15 days will be easier.
10.  I am beginning to have more energy.

Except for a couple of days of constipation, things are going surprisingly well, and I am beginning to develop my strategy for vacation.  I will not be doing another Whole30 until I return, but I don't want to go completely off the program, although I do plan to relax a lot.  It is vacation after all. 

My goal is to abstain from gaining any weight on my vacation.  If I maintain whatever I have lost during my first Whole30, I will be happy.  If I happen to lose, I will be ecstatic!

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