Friday, April 4, 2014

The Unforgiving Shadow

I am 50 years old.  I turned 50 on March 25th and I was actually a bit more excited than I thought I would be.  I had hoped to reach my goal weight of 150 pounds by the time I turned 50, but I missed the mark by a little over 100.  Yikes!!  I have started and stopped blogs for years now, and I am hoping that this time, I will persevere not only with my weight loss goals but with the blog.  I don't intend this to be useful to anyone but me, and it is more of an online diary than anything else, so if I decide to go public, please forgive my poor grammar, disjointed sentences, and rambling thoughts.  I am not a writer, and I am not nearly as witty on paper as I am in person.  I went public with a blog once before when I embarked on a 28 day cycling program, and it was successful, until I wasn't.  I completed the 28 days, but lost no weight, and felt like I let some people down.  Again, this is for me.  I may be successful this time, and I may fail horribly, so keep your expectations low.

What's up with the weird title?  I don't know if you have tried to blog, but all the cool weight loss/fitness titles have been taken.  I chose this one yesterday while I was riding my new Trek on the Ladiga Trail.  The sun was shining, and cast a shadow of me on my bike, and I was horrified by what I saw.  I had read a good article about cycling for weight loss where the author suggested wearing lycra when cycling because is to unforgiving and will keep you accountable more easily than wearing loose fitting clothing you can hide under.  Let me tell you, a shadow of a 250 pound woman in lycra is about as unforgiving as you can get. 

I desire a thinner shadow.  Through healthy eating and regular cycling, my desire is to achieve just that.  I don't know how long it will take.  I have a 90 day goal that I will explain in a later post, but I do have faith that one day I will look at my shadow and like what I see.  Until then, if you see me on the trail, or if you ride with me, I will be wearing cycling clothing which is an unforgiving as it can get.  Be nice please.

Here is me at the beginning of this journey:

Hopefully I will be able to post a picture at least once per month.

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